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lundi 16 novembre 2015

MON ANGE DE GLACE / Ice sculpture christmas 2015

Première France le 29 décembre 2016

USA 16 novembre 2015

 Etats-Unis (2015)

Network Hallmark

Avec :

Rachel Boston ... Callie Shaw

David Alpay ... David Manning

Brenda Strong ... Chef Gloria

Paul McGillion ... Frank Shaw

Aliyah O'Brien ... Brooke

Résumé :

Rêvant depuis sa jeunesse d'être artiste culinaire, Callie se fait embaucher comme plongeuse dans les cuisines d'un club privé où travaille son père. Elle y recroise David, fils du propriétaire qui avait flashé sur elle quand ils étaient enfants...

Plot :

via Hallmark: After starting her first job at a country club restaurant, Callie - an aspiring chef - reconnects with her childhood friend David, whose wealthy family is a member of the club. When David enters Callie into the club's annual Christmas ice sculpting competition without her knowledge, she's forced to go head-to-head with her boss, Chef Gloria. Even though ice sculpting is cold work, sparks are ignited between Callie and David as they prepare for the competition as a team. Callie's passions for cooking and ice sculpting are met with romance and Christmas spirit as she works to create the perfect sculpture.

Source : image






cover by chrisnøw

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