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lundi 5 août 2019

LE PERE NOEL CONTRE LES MARTIENS /Santa Claus Conquers the Martians 1964

1h 21min



 John Call, Doris Rich....

Résumé :

Alors que les enfants martiens sont fascinés par des images venues de la télévision terrestre, où l'on voit particulièrement le Père Noël, les adultes martiens décident d'aller kidnapper ce drôle de personnage et le ramènent sur Mars. Lors du voyage, l'un des martiens cherche à tuer le Père Noël. Arrivé sur la planète rouge, le Père Noël deviendra une véritable star.

Plot :

The Martians Momar ("Mom Martian") and Kimar ("King Martian") are worried that their children Girmar ("Girl Martian") and Bomar ("Boy Martian") are watching too much Earth television, most notably station KID-TV's interview with Santa Claus in his workshop at Earth's North Pole.

Consulting the ancient 800-year-old Martian sage Chochem (a Yiddish/Hebrew word meaning "sage", though pronounced differently from the film's version), they are advised that the children of Mars are growing distracted due to the society's overly rigid structure. From infancy, all their education is fed into their brains through machines and they are not allowed individuality or freedom of thought.

Chochem notes that he had seen this coming "for centuries", and says that the only way to help the children is to allow them their freedom and be allowed to have fun. To do this, Mars needs a Santa Claus figure, like on Earth. Leaving Chochem's cave, the Martian leaders decide to abduct Santa Claus from Earth and bring him to Mars.

Source :





1 commentaire:

  1. Reçu en cadeau il y a fort longtemps lors d'un échange de cadeaux/blague de Noël entre amis. Oui, j'ai ce DVD, et je ne l'ai toujours pas vu !!!


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