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samedi 13 juillet 2019

L'Amour fait sa Loi / The Seven Year Hitch @ 2012

Network: Hallmark Movie Channel

Original Air Date: October 13, 2012

Avec :

Natalie Hall ... Jennifer

Danielle Parker ... young Jennifer

George Wendt ... Mr. Henderson

Frances Fisher ... Mrs. Von Hoffman

Darin Brooks ... Kevin

Ryan Doom ... Bryce

Résumé :

Amis depuis toujours, Jennifer et Kévin sont intimement liés, c'est pourquoi ils décident d'emménager ensemble. Sept ans plus tard, alors qu'ils sont toujours colocataires, la jeune femme est en couple avec Bryce, son collègue, et tous les deux sont sur le point de se marier. Mais Kévin surprend le fiancé dans les bras d'une autre femme et par amour pour Jennifer, il va alors tout tenter pour annuler ce mariage.

Plot :

Jennifer (Hall) and Kevin (Brooks) have been inseparable since becoming best friends at age six. So when Jennifer graduates from college and begins building a career in charity, she thinks it's only right to let drop-out Kevin live in her newly purchased house until he gets back on his feet. Seven years later, Jennifer is continuing up the career ladder while Kevin is still golf caddying and waiting for his big break. Jennifer is happy to let Kevin march to his own beat, but her new boyfriend, arrogant corporate manipulator Bryce (Doom), wants her to kick Kevin to the curb. Oblivious to his cheating ways, Jennifer is ecstatic when Bryce asks her to marry him after only six months of dating, secretly using her angelic reputation to gain favor with his boss Mrs. Von Hoffman (Fisher). 

Source :





Cover By Chrisnøw

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