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lundi 19 août 2019

PERE NOEL VS MARTIENS / Santa Claus Conquers the Martians 1964

Sortie en 1964

Avec : John Call, Doris Rich...

Résumé :

Alors que les enfants martiens sont fascinés par des images venues de la télévision terrestre, où l'on voit particulièrement le Père Noël, les adultes martiens décident d'aller kidnapper ce drôle de personnage et le ramènent sur Mars. Lors du voyage, l'un des martiens cherche à tuer le Père Noël. Arrivé sur la planète rouge, le Père Noël deviendra une véritable star.

Plot :

Worried that their children have become obsessed with television shows from Earth which extol the virtues of Santa Claus, Martians begin an expedition to Earth to kidnap the one and only Santa Claus. While on Earth, they kidnap two lively children that lead the group of Martians to the North Pole and Santa Claus. The Martians then take Santa Claus and the two children back to Mars with them. Voldar, a particularly grumpy Martian, attempts to do away with the children and Santa Claus before they get to Mars, but their leader Lord Kimar stops him. When they arrive on Mars, Santa Claus, with the help of the two Earth children and a rather simple-minded Martian lackey, overcomes the Martians by bringing fun, happiness and Christmas cheer to the children of Mars.

Source :

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