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dimanche 12 novembre 2017

Noël En Dansant / Enchanted Christmas @ 2017

Première diffusion le 02 janvier 2018 sur M6

USA le 12 novembre 2017

Réalisé par Terry CUNNINGHAM 

Network: Hallmark Channel

Avec :

Alexa PENAVEGA (Laura Trudeau), Randy WAYNE (Scott Schaeffer), Carlos PENAVEGA (Ricardo Archuleta), Rene RIVERA (Manuel Montoya), Jaynee-Lynne KINCHEN (Nikki Trudeau) et Steve BOND (Oliver)...

Résumé :

À quelques semaines de Noël, Laura, décoratrice d'intérieur, se rend dans sa ville natale de Santa Fe pour suivre la rénovation d'un hôtel. Sa fille de 8 ans en profite pour prendre des cours de salsa dans le studio local. Laura y retrouve avec surprise Ricardo, son amour du lycée devenu professeur de danse. Ensemble, ils vont retrouver le chemin du dance floor et peut-être retomber amoureux ? 

Plot :

Storyline via Hallmark: Young widow Laura Trudeau (Alexa PenaVega) was a remarkable dancer. As a project manager she is tasked with renovating a dilapidated lodge in her hometown of Rosemont, Utah and have it ready by Christmas Eve. She is stunned to discover it’s the same lodge where she and her former love and dance partner Ricardo Archuleta (PenaVega) performed each Christmas. While surveying the property Laura comes face-to-face with Ricardo shocked to discover he is rehearsing the show’s grand finale with his new dance partner Taylor. When Taylor has an audition abroad, Laura temporarily steps in and finds herself back in Ricardo’s arms. Feelings begin to resurface in the hope of rekindling their romance just as Taylor returns with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Ricardo. Laura, not wanting to get in the way of Carlos’ dream, encourages him to go. Now with both the hotel opening and the show in jeopardy Laura is faced with having to make some difficult decisions, both personally and professionally.

Source :

M6 Pro

*images via: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks

cover :



cover by chrisnøw

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