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samedi 23 juillet 2005

Un souvenir éternel / Back to you and me @ 2005

Avec :

Lisa Hartman Black : Syd Ludwick

Dale Midkiff : Gus Martin

Rue McClanahan : Helen Ludwick

Barbara Niven : Connie Murray

Jennifer Echols : Brenda

Blake Woodruff : Jake Martin

Résumé :

La priorité de Sydney Ludwick est de voir sa carrière couronnée de succès. Depuis la fin de ses études de médecine, sa vie professionnelle passe avant tout. Altruiste, surchargée de travail et dévouée, la jeune femme se laisse pourtant convaincre par un patient en phase terminale de prendre le temps de s'occuper d'elle. Sur les conseils d'une amie, Syd prend quelques jours pour se rendre dans sa ville natale, où se tient une réunion d'anciens élèves.

Plot :

Dr. Syd has a good practice in the big city but a bad day when her terminal patient finally passes away. Her surgeon boyfriend, who has been sarcastically nick named "Mr. Personality" and "Settle For" by Syd's best friend (Nurse Brenda), takes this opportunity to offer support and destroys it by telling Syd dying is part of life and she'd be a better doctor if she stayed more remote from her patients and, oh, by the way, "can I come over tonight"? He is surprised when she says "not tonight." Brenda tells Syd to get away for a few days and suggests Syd change her mind and go back to her small hometown for her school reunion. Brenda points out that since Syd hasn't been back since her father's funeral, she'll be the star of the reunion as a successful doctor who wears the same size as she did in high school. Since Syd hasn't talked to anyone in that village, not even her mother, in years, Syd is unprepared for the collision between her memories of the past and the truth she finds in the village of today.

Source :


cover by chrisnøw

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