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jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Un mariage à l'épreuve / Lead with Your Heart @ 2015

Network: Hallmark Channel 

Original Air Date: September 19, 2015

Réalisé par :Bradley Walsh

Avec :

William Baldwin

Kari Matchett

Amy Forsyth

Résumé :

Alors que leur plus jeune fils quitte le nid pour aller étudier à l'université, Ben et Maura doivent à présent s'adapter à leur nouvelle vie sans leurs deux enfants. Bien qu'épanoui, ce couple aura du mal à retrouver un équilibre.

Plot :

via Hallmark: With their youngest son leaving for college in the fall, happily married couple Ben (Baldwin) and Maura (Matchett) prepare for their upcoming chapter as empty nesters. The couple faces an even larger change when Maura takes a temporary position – and big promotion – in Minneapolis. Ben and Maura miss one another while living apart, but the distance also shines a light on their differences like never before. When Maura’s temporary position becomes a full time offer, the couple must decide if they will continue their long distance marriage, or make another change. With the support of their son, Adam (Love) and daughter, Lacey (Forsyth), Ben and Maura must follow their hearts to make the right decision for their family, and to make this next chapter in their lives a happy one.

Source :

cover by chrisnøw

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