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vendredi 12 juillet 2019

Disparitions Suspectes / My Gal Sunday 2014

Mary Higgins Clark

Disparitions suspectes est un téléfilm américain réalisé par Kristoffer Tabori,

 diffusé le 25 janvier 2014 sur Hallmark Movie Channel.

Réalisateur : Kristoffer Tabori

Scénario : Howard Burkons

Scénario : Mary Higgins Clark

Avec :

Rachel Blanchard ... Sandra "Sunday" O'Brien-Parker 

Cameron Mathison ... Henry Parker 

Jack Wagner ... Danny

Janet-Laine Green ... Miriam

Résumé :

Faye Dolan doit affronter la réalité : son fils est mort. Son camion a été retrouvé dans le lac

 Michigan, dépourvu de plaques d'immatriculation afin de troubler les pistes de la police. 

Pendant l'enquête, Faye habite chez Carolyn, la fiancée de Timmy, mais elle ne tarde pas à 

découvrir avec horreur la face cachée de Carolyn...

Plot :

It was love at first sight for Sandra "Sunday" O'Brien-Parker (Blanchard), the beautiful young 

lawyer and daughter of a Secret Service Agent and Henry Parker (Mathison), retiring White

 House Secretary of State, when Sunday's dad Danny (Wagner) introduces them in Washington

 D.C. A year after their wedding, Sunday and Parker - now living near Lake Tahoe, California 

where Parker was once a beloved state governor - are an unstoppable sleuthing team who 

enjoy the political spotlight while taking pleasure busting the bad guys. But when Parker's 

mom Miriam (Janet-Laine Green, "She's the Mayor") and Danny are suddenly kidnapped 

on their way to a high-profile family event, Parker and Sunday are immediately on the case - 

and this

 time its personal. Believing they were the true targets of the crime, the daring duo works 

together to uncover clues and find out why the kidnapper is demanding the release of a 

notorious hit-man from federal prison as a ransom. Racing against the clock to rescue 

their parents, Parker and Sunday dig deep into their past to find out their connection to the 

criminal and as they uncover his identity, they put their lives at stake in a suspenseful

 final showdown.

Source :


Cover By Chrisnøw


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