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lundi 22 juillet 2019

CHAPEAU BAS PERE NOËL / Hats Off to Christmas! @ 2013

Première France 13 décembre 2014 sur TF1

Original Air Date: December 14, 2013

Network: Hallmark Channel

Network repris également pas GAF en 2024 pour son Noël en Juillet !

Avec :

Antonio Cupo ... Nick

Haylie Duff ... Mia

Sean Michael Kyer ... Scotty

Résumé :

Mia est une jeune mère veuve. Son fils Scotty est dans un fauteuil roulant à la suite d'un accident. Mia travaille dans une boutique qui vend des chapeaux de Noël, mais la crise rend l'avenir de la boutique incertain. Le fils du dirigeant de la compagnie, Nick, arrive de New-York pour redresser la situation financière de l'entreprise. Deux mondes se rencontrent alors et un jeu d'attirance-répulsion se met en place. C'est Scotty qui permet de faire le lien entre Nick et Mia et la magie de Noël opère pour résoudre leurs difficultés.


"Hats Off To Christmas!" is a touching holiday story about a young, widowed mother who meets an unexpected visitor while striving to take care of her 9-year-old disabled son.

Mia (Duff), the loyal and hard-working manager of her small town's Christmas hat shop, is blindsided when her boss of over ten years asks her to train his son, Nick (Cupo), for a vacant upper-management position that Mia had been coveting. Although Nick is a handsome, successful New York City business consultant, Mia finds training him frustrating until Nick takes an interest in Mia's son Scotty (Sean Michael Kyer), helping Scotty with a pumpkin carving contest. However, Mia's faith in Nick quickly diminishes when Nick fails to show up at the contest. To protect her son from further disappointment, Mia tries to keep Nick out of her and Scotty's fragile life, and Nick must decide if staying in the small town of Wilsonville is worth giving up the big-city perks he once had in New York. As Mia struggles to find a way to convince Scotty to return to physical therapy so he can walk again, she soon realizes that Nick may be the Christmas miracle she has been waiting for.

Source :

Hats Off to Christmas!

cover by chrisnøw

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